Frequently Asked Questions
The first thing to do is to check your spam and junk mail folders.
If it has been more than 1 business day since you submitted your order, please use our contact form and we will try to call you if necessary.
Add an icon on the home screen of your smartphone, to easily launch your AppBusinessCard with one click.
1. Google search how to add a page to the home screen of your phone based on the operating system. Example: Android, IOS, Windows, Etc.
2. Launch your AppBusinessCard.
3. Follow the instructions from your Google search.
Simply use the link provided, go to the app-page and select add to your contacts.
Simply go to the bottom of the AppAboutMe and select a method of sharing. Use the plus sign (+) to open a list of additional methods.
When sharing it with someone that already has your contact information on their phone, please ask them to delete the existing contact information, before adding your AppAboutMe.
1. Go to your contact information in the contacts of your phone.
2. Click on your………. link.
3. When your App page opens, go to the bottom to choose a share option. Click the plus sign (+) to see all the sharing options.
When added to some iPhones, you may have to change some section names in the contacts.
Ask them to delete the existing contact information, before adding your AppBusinessCard.
When adding it to your phone, their maybe some conflict because you may already have the person’s information in your contacts. If that does occur, try the following:
1. See if the………. link appears in the contact with the person’s name.
2. If it does, then you can delete all or some of the other contact information and use “add to contacts” to download it again.
3. If nothing appears, try deleting some of the content in the contact with the person’s name and use “add to contacts” to download it again.
That is NOT related to our service, it is an iPhone issue.
Try this:
Use Safari instead of another browser.
That is NOT related to our service, it is an iPhone setup issue.
Try this:
When you select ” add to contacts” from the app-page, you should see the option on your phone to “Open in contacts”, after you click “open in contacts”, you should see your information, select “save”, wait a few seconds and check your contact list.
No. We only charge a onetime fee for the service.
Simply complete the form in the request changes section found in our support tab.
SOME CHANGES ARE FREE. If a fee is required, you will be sent an email with the details and payment request. Full payment must be made before any change(s) will be made.
So that whenever there are any changes, you will be sent an email to get the updated version.
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